Sample Prayers                           -

"If you have the Spirit of Christ in you, you can do what Jesus did with the Spirit of Christ.  It's that simple." (“Healing Truths That Destroy Traditions," by Curry Blake)

There is no "formula" prayer, but we want to provide a prayer for you. Don't get caught up in thinking you have to use our prayers or anyone else's prayers for healing to take place.  If you are a Believer you have the Spirit of God in you. He will direct you.  He loves your child more than you do.  He is your helper.  He will guide you into all truth and teach you all things.

Prayer suggestion:

Jesus, thank you for what you have already done for this child. Thank you that by your stripes they are already healed.

Now, in the name of Jesus, I speak to defect and every power of darkness associated with this child’s body.  I command you in the mighty name of Jesus, I stand on His finished work, and I evict you from this child’s body.  I command defect to GO in the name of Jesus!  I command every problem in this body to leave NOW in the name of Jesus.  By the stripes of Jesus this child’s healing was already paid for.  It is done. Every problem in this body is a trespasser.  Leave now in the name of Jesus.  You have no right to be here.  I render you powerless in the name of Jesus.

I command 100% of defect to GO.  I command CHANGE in this body in the name of Jesus.  I command every chromosome to line up with the word of God, and to obey the word of God.  I bind every defective cell out and off of this body in the name of Jesus.  Whatever I bind on earth is bound in Heaven.  Defect GO!

Thank you, Jesus.  Thank you, Holy Spirit.  I release the kingdom of God into this child.  I decree that life is flowing into this child now accomplishing the will of the Father and bringing honor to Jesus NOW. I declare Freedom from defect to every atom in this child's body in the name of Jesus.

I decree over this child’s life that no weapon formed against it will prosper.  I decree that the purposes for which this child was made prevail in the name of Jesus.  The Lord gives his angels charge over this child to guard them in all of their ways.  Thank you Jesus that you did not suffer in vain for this child’s mental and physical freedom.  I command a new brain  (if one is needed). I command perfected chromosomes in the name of Jesus.  I command every bodily function to work according to the will of God in the name of Jesus. The Father's will be done in the name of Jesus to every cell in this child's body. I command perfection in the name of Jesus.

Additional Healing Prayer:

It is written in Matthew 6:10, Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. There is no defect, no genetic problems, no mental retardation, no down syndrome, no hurler's syndrome, no autism, no sickness, no disease, no birth defect in Heaven. 

Every demonic presence relating to this child's imperfection, I command you to listen to every word I speak now.  Every cell in this child's body, I command you to obey the Father's will and line up with the Word of God.  I am the representative from Heaven on behalf of this child right here and right now.  The Father's will is done now on earth as it is in Heaven in regard to this child.

I decree that no weapon formed against this child will prevail in the name of Jesus and I refute every tongue that accuses this child or the parents of this child in judgement.  This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and this child's vindication is from the Lord. (Isaiah 54:17)

It is written, “Jesus Christ redeemed this child from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for them."  (Galations 3:13)

It is written, "Jesus cancelled the record of the charges against this child and their parents and took it away by nailing it to the cross."  (Colossians 2:14)

It is written, "By the stripes of Jesus this child was healed."  (1Peter 2:24)

This child's healing was bought and paid for over 2000 years ago as Jesus stood at the whipping post. Because Jesus carried all manner of physical problems and sickness and disease and syndromes and birth defects, this child does not have to carry it.  I command this child's entire body to come in line with the word of God.  Every organ, every tissue, every function and system of this body, every bone, every chromosome, every enzyme,every brain cell in this child's body, I command in the name of Jesus to be perfect.  By the stripes of Jesus this child was healed and I command this child's body to obey the voice of the Word of God.  Be whole.  Be healed.  Be beautiful.  Be perfect in the name of Jesus.

It is written, "If i have faith and do not doubt I will say to this mountain of defect and tell it to be removed and be cast into the sea, and it shall be done. (Matthew 21:21)

In the name of Jesus, with full confidence in God's word, I command defect and problems in this child's body to go and never return.

It is written, "And if we are children, then we are heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ." (Romans 8:17)

It is written, "He has raised me up with Him and seated me with Him in Heavenly places." (Ephesians 2:6

It is written, Jesus is "far above all rule and authority and power and dominion and every name that is named not only in this age but also in the one to come, and He put all things in subjection under His feet and gave Himself as head over all things to the church, which is His body." (Ephesians 1:21-23)

Every power of darkness, you are subject to me in the name of Jesus. You leave this child.

Every diagnosis that this child has been given, you go in the name of Jesus. 

It is written, "Forever, oh Lord, Thy word is settled in Heaven." (Psalm 119:89)

The Creator of Heaven and Earth and everything therein has spoken. His words cannot return void, but will accomplish what it sets out to do.  He has defeated sickness and defect and all manner of disease at the whipping post thru Jesus.  He has given me His authority and name to deal with the problems relating to this child.  Be made whole in Jesus' name child.

It is written, "For the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has set this child free from the law of sin and death. (Romans 8:2)

It is written, "The thief comes only to steal kill and destroy, I came that you may have life and have it abundantly." ( John 10:10)

I speak this Life that Christ came to give into this child. I speak Life into this child. I lay my hands on this child and the same power that raised Christ Jesus from the dead flows out of my hands and into this child.  (Mark 16:18)

Holy Spirit, by faith, I release Life into this child that brings the Father's will, which is perfection.  Body be perfect in the name of Jesus.  By the stripes of Jesus you are Healed!  

Sample Prayer:

Take your precious child in your arms and lay your loving hands on them. Repeat this prayer as often as possible with confidence in God; knowing that Jesus never half-way healed anyone.  He did not suffer at the whipping post to partially heal your child!

Prayer based on Mark 16:18 which is a promise of God:

Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus for healing my child.

Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus for healing my child.

This is what we do when  praying for any person who needs healing :

  1. 1.Command the problem to go in the name of Jesus

  1. 2.Speak and release life (Sozo) into the body (laying on of hands) in the name of Jesus

  1. 3.Tell the body what we want it to do in the name of Jesus

We pray "Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”   There is no defect in Heaven.